Are You Dealing with a Rash?

Rashes can be itchy, uncomfortable, and ugly. They can develop suddenly or gradually over time. If you have a rash that doesn’t go away in a few days, you need to seek out the help of your dermatologist.

What You Need To Know About Rashes and Rash Treatment

A rash that develops suddenly can be due to an allergic response. You may develop a sudden rash from an allergy to:

  • Plants, including poison ivy
  • Pet fur and dander
  • Excessive heat, cold, or wind

A sudden rash may also develop due to an allergic response to eating food or taking medication. In these cases, the allergic response could be one step toward a life-threatening reaction, so you need to call emergency services if the rash is accompanied by:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Profuse sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting

A rash that develops gradually may be due to a bacterial or fungal infection, or skin contact with a toxic chemical or substance.

Rashes have different characteristics. A rash may appear only in a small area or spread over large areas of the body. A rash can appear scaly, itchy patches, dry rashes that don’t itch, or red spots and blemishes.

Home remedies may be effective for some rashes. You can try:

  • Applying over-the-counter anti-itch cream
  • Taking antihistamines orally
  • Taking soothing baths with oatmeal

You should see a dermatologist if your rash is:

  • Unresponsive to home therapies
  • Getting worse
  • Spreading to other areas

Professional treatments for a rash include:

  • Prescription-strength oral antihistamines and oral steroids
  • Prescription-strength topical cortisone creams
  • Antibiotics if your rash causes an infection

Want To Know More About Rashes and Rash Treatment?

You don’t have to suffer the discomfort and embarrassment of a rash. Your dermatologist can help. Talk with your dermatologist today to learn more about rashes and how your dermatologist can help you get relief.

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